Natural Gas Rebate Program

The Government of Alberta is running an energy rebate program from October 2022 to March 2023 which includes a rebate on natural gas.

How the Program Works

The natural gas rebate will be applied if the monthly natural gas rate charged by any of Alberta’s regulated default supply providers is above $6.50/GJ. The rebate will cover the difference between $6.50/GJ and the regulated rate that calendar month. For example, if the Alberta price is $7.50, eligible consumers would get a rebate on their bill of $1.00 for every gigajoule used. The rebate will be automatically applied to the monthly bills of those who are eligible for the program. A line item will be added to your bill labelled ‘GoA Utility Commodity Rebate Program’.

Who is Eligible:

  • A customer who is residential, farm, small commercial or other customer whose annual consumption of connected gas is estimated to be less than 2,500 gigajoules at the metered site

Who is Ineligible

  • A customer whose annual consumption of natural gas is estimated to be greater than 2,500 gigajoules at the metered site
  • A customer who uses any portion of natural gas for resale
  • A customer who uses natural gas in processes and activities directly related to the exploration for or the production, processing, reprocessing, refining, upgrading, storage or transportation of natural gas, petroleum or oil sands or for petrochemicals processing


Phoenix Gas Co-op will be administering the rebate program as per the guidelines provided by the Province of Alberta.

For questions, inquiries, and further details on the Natural Gas Rebate Program please visit the

Province of Alberta’s Affordability Programs web site,